This page is under construction and more projects will be added
On this file you find a list of publicly avaiable source code repositories I have or are working on, along side projects I have worked on commercially in the past.
Where possible I have liked to either GitHub or GitLab for source code or directly to a products website.
BSD 3-Clause License C++ SQL PostgreSQLYou can find the project on:
QueryC++ is a SQL Query builder library for C++ with the goal of removing raw SQL strings in C++.
The goal of QueryC++ is to remove the need for raw SQL strings (std::string
) in C++, reducing the risk of syntax errors, and increases maintainability and readability of C++ code without the need for a full Object Relational Mapping (ORM).
The main focus of QueryC++ has from the start been PostgreSQL support, but as the project develops support for more databases will be added. Below is an example of who simple QueryC++ is in combination with PQXX